This is a very beautiful story about one caring individuals love of life and her efforts to maintain it for one very special little "Chi Chi" who has inspired love in so many and restored faith in mankind and reaffirmed the power of love. If you haven't heard the story of Emma yet, you should, it'll do your heart good so I'm going to put up a link that will take you to the rest of her links: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/658660
This tiny little bundle of love also proves that old saying that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog and this little girl is a giant. I want to make it a point to mention the lady who adopted her only a few hours into her life, Dena. She has to be an amazing person to do all she's done to give Emma a chance at life. Her value of life, her ability to love and nurture and her energy are to be respected and admired by all. Hopefully if all goes well for Emma, Dena shall be rewarded with mini puppy kisses for many years to come and an abundance of love and companionship as the adopted mom of "Emma". Emma still needs more medical attention and a couple of surgeries while two dogtors have donated their treatment there are still expenses so if you can help out please do and keep the love story going, it'll do your heart good!