Saturday, January 31, 2009
Looking Up.....
Friday, January 30, 2009
Know Any Good Rain Dance's?

Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy New Year....
Chinese New Year that is, the year of the Ox! I'm very happy to see the year of the Rat gone, you see, I' m a Horse and Rat years are very nasty for Horses, bad, bad, bad! And it was so I'm glad it's gone and I'm looking forward to 2009, year of the Ox, the projected outlook isn't fantastic or great but it's better than last year and I survived it so I'll thrive this year at least I hope I do. I realize the economy still sucks, the realty market almost doesn't exist, the banks got bailed out again but they're keeping all the money for themselves and I do NOT want to talk about the stock market and you don't want to get me started! This blog is for beautiful things only and there is way too much UGLY involved in the stock market, especially now.
As for being at the bottom of the food chain, well, I got kicked down almost 2 years ago and I'm slowly crawling back up, right now the only difference for me is I have lots of company now....companionship is a beautiful thing;o}
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Rain Drops....
Original Poem by Ruth Williams
They free fall from heaven landing softly upon the earth
Gently cleaning the planet and quenching it's thirst
Little drops bringing life each time that they fall
Replenishing, refreshing and restoring us all
Some run for cover while others dance in their midst
They inspire young lovers to stop and share a kiss
I'm speaking of the rain drops that fall from the sky
I wonder, "Could it be Mother Nature having a good cry?"
They come through all seasons, no set time and no set place
And there's no life without them, life exists in their grace
They leave everything clean and a fresh scent in the air
And I love listening to them fall as I rock in my chair....
Lately we've had a few spring like days and it's way to early into
winter for it but for the last few days we have rain showers on and
off and it must have inspired me so I road the little poem above and
I hope you enjoy it. We are completely back to winter today and the
snow fell, just a dusting to lightly coat everything.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I've Heard of Spring Break But What About Winter?
People tend to get a little stir crazy during the winter months and some people just don't care for the winter season at all, I love it but I thought maybe it would be good to take a break from winter beauty and maybe go somewhere tropical. I love tropical beaches, they are always so beautiful and makes you think of the smell of salt in the air, warm breezes gently blowing against your skin, sunshine warming your face so I thought I show you a little tropical beauty today........
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Winter's Unique Beauty
I just love the season's, each one for it's own unique beauty. I've recently suffered a devastating loss and so I've shed a lot of tears lately so this picture of a beautiful weeping willow all covered in winter's glory caught my eye and I wanted to share it's magnificence with you today as we are in the midst of the winter season........
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My Angel Died....

This past Saturday I lost my Angel Baby after sharing life and love with her for 16 years. She was truly the sweetest and best natured puppy I've ever seen and I am so broken hearted over the loss, I lost her daddy almost 2 years ago and still haven't gotten over that loss yet. Her daddy is the gorgeous blond guy sitting pretty in the upper left photo, the other photo's are of Angel. I got Tiger aka Boo when he was four weeks old and he passed just before his twentieth birthday, I watched as Angel was born and decided right then she would remain with me and the pain and sense of loss is simply overwhelming right now but what could compare to the beauty of 36 years combined of unconditional love, nothing! What could be more beautiful than that? The answer is simple, absolutely nothing! And that's the beauty Bitchin'Bunny's has to share today....
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Owl, Sara Von Norden
I want to thank the Reno Gazette for sending us a copy of the photo they took than ran with their article.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thinking Spring........

I know it's way too early in the year to be thinking about spring but I did today, it could have been because we had a beautiful sunshiny day today, one that would have been perfect for spring but it's only January and we haven't had nearly enough snow and rain. But I decided although it may be too early for spring it's never a wrong time to enjoy some beautiful art work so I found this painting in photobucket and it didn't give the artist name but I think the painting is gorgeous so I thought I'd share it with you........
Monday, January 12, 2009
Jauary 12th, 2009

Well, I haven't been back to post daily but I'm working on improving and I put up a new header today and I think it's beautiful. And I went to a graphic's sight and just keyed in beautiful to see what would come up and I got the picture above , which is very beautiful and it's titled almost heaven........and if you lived there it very well could be, I would love to live in a home like that anyway........The blog's will improve but for today it keep's me ligit and I hope something beautiful is present in your life today........
Friday, January 2, 2009
2009, It's Gonna Be Good........

Happy New Year everyone and it is going to be a happy year for us anyway, don't ask me how I know because I can't really explain it to you but when I awoke this morning (1/1/09) the first thing I noticed was that it was as if a weight had been lifted from my chest. It was a feeling of lightness, of realizing the worst was over and it could only get better and would, it felt great! I realize this country is still in a major financial mess with no cure or end in site as of yet and I know it will probably get worse before it gets better. As for me the recent years have been the worse of times, not all bad at all and even very, very good in some instances but worse in the over all big picture. I find myself almost breaking into spring fever early in anticipation of the future in spite of the current circumstance's and that's a beautiful thing!
There's something to be said for being at the bottom of the food chain, as everyone is falling to where you are and have been for awhile, you've already established yourself there, got your bearings, adjusted and are working on rising to the place you want to be. I say it in that manner because I have no visions of grandeur or immense wealth, I have no desire to acquire either I just want comfortable, a measure of security and peace of mind. So while a large part of the country, hell, for that matter the world is free falling downward, I have already landed hard on my ass, gotten up, dusted myself off, cried myself dry and proceeded to start climbing back to where I came from and this is a very friendly atmosphere for doing just that. I have a wonderful partner who comes from similar circumstance to journey with and we have friends and family who we love dearly and who loves us in return, we have decent health, intelligence, do not fear but thrive on hard work and we are good, highly ethical individuals with a lot of integrity. Can't nothing or no one hold a team like that down for long any way and we've been down long enough.
We are rising, the San Francisco 49er's are rising, Notre Dame is rising and it's only the second day into the new year! My husband, Jack is an Ox and it's the year of the Ox and if anyone deserves an awesome year of goodness coming their way it's him, I'm a Horse and last year was a bad one for me but I survived, in fact even improved on many fronts so I'm excited and eager to see what 2009 will bring our way. And I still can't get over the wonderful feeling I felt this morning and I can't explain where it came from or why it came I am only glad that it did, I don't question it because the intensity in which it was felt left no reason to only to enjoy it and that's just what I intend to do.
No one ever reads this blog but maybe if I make a better effort to publish something new on it everyday one day soon someone will take notice, if not that's OK to because the nature of this blog at least makes me take a few minutes out of everyday to think about something beautiful in my life, something I want to share and that in itself is a very beautiful thing, don't think? You'll be hearing more from me........
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