A photo provided by the Florence and Laurence Family Foundation shows a sample of a card that was handed out to employees of the Waukegan, Ill.-based Peer Bearing Co., from the Spungen family with thank-you bonus checks after the family sold the company. The bonuses totaled $6.6 million to be shared by just 230 employees. Amounts varied and were based on years of service. Seen in the photo at lower right are Florence and Laurence Spungen in the front row and Danny, Carol, Debbi and Glenn Spungen in the back row.(AP Photo/Florence and Laurence Family Foundation)
I hope all the greedy self serving company owner's read this story, it proves that a business can make a great profit and still treat their employee's fairly and with a little dignity and respect as well as sharing a little of the wealth those employees helped make! This family should serve as an Icon, someone business owner's and bosses should aspire to.
There should be a lot more of things like this happening in this country and should have been all along, it's nothing more than fair, honest with a pinch of integrity and ethics thrown in. This family shows that a business can be run right and EVERYONE INVOLVED can and should reap part of the rewards. They are to be recognized and commended for setting the standard of business practices a little higher than most do today!
Most of them here take the money and run and out of their selfishness, greediness and blindness due to the fact they see only their own bottom line they have tried to make a killing for themselves not even satisfied with their vast fortunes amassed already seek more and have lost most everything and make no mistake that is exactly why this country is in the financial state we currently find ourselves in now. And do you hear them crying and begging for help, someone to unburden them of reaping what they have sowed!
That's the reason regulations and government needs to oversee these kinds of things. Most cannot be trusted not to be blinded by their own greed and the financial crisis proves that sadly. Isn't it funny how they couldn't find in in their selfish little hard hearts to grant fair wages and benefits to the employee's that helped them amass their fortunes but when they lose them out of their own bad decisions based on their own greediness they are the first in line asking for hand outs in hope's of no repercussions or pay backs or reprisals for their deeds of greed!
I sincerely hope the Obama administration can curb some of the bad business practice's this countries people of free Enterprise have adopted in the last few years and bring back some pride, ethic's and moral integrity back into American businesses and American business people. Bringing back those things alone will go along way in setting this nation back on it's appointed course. I've always believed you can run a profitable business and still be fair to them employee's that work for you while enjoying the fruits of your labors as well as theirs and this family is just one example of proof that it can and does happen just not as often as it should.
This country has received a serious wake up call and it seems as though we answered the call but we can't let down or ease back now this is just the beginning of a rebuilding. Everyone needs to remain with their eyes focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, it is within our vision and our reach but everyone must do their part if we are to succeed and reach the light. It's an attainable goal I hope we all maintain in common for the common good. And make no mistake if this country let's the working man fall then it too shall fall, because this country was build by and is maintained by the working class within lest we not forget that too soon again.
My Christmas wish for this year is that every man, woman and child and all creatures great and small have love, family and friends to share the season with and I hope it leaves all with treasured memories that no amount of money could ever buy. Make it a point to let everyone you care about how you feel, after all 'tis the season....Happy Holidays BB
I hope all the greedy self serving company owner's read this story, it proves that a business can make a great profit and still treat their employee's fairly and with a little dignity and respect as well as sharing a little of the wealth those employees helped make! This family should serve as an Icon, someone business owner's and bosses should aspire to.
There should be a lot more of things like this happening in this country and should have been all along, it's nothing more than fair, honest with a pinch of integrity and ethics thrown in. This family shows that a business can be run right and EVERYONE INVOLVED can and should reap part of the rewards. They are to be recognized and commended for setting the standard of business practices a little higher than most do today!
Most of them here take the money and run and out of their selfishness, greediness and blindness due to the fact they see only their own bottom line they have tried to make a killing for themselves not even satisfied with their vast fortunes amassed already seek more and have lost most everything and make no mistake that is exactly why this country is in the financial state we currently find ourselves in now. And do you hear them crying and begging for help, someone to unburden them of reaping what they have sowed!
That's the reason regulations and government needs to oversee these kinds of things. Most cannot be trusted not to be blinded by their own greed and the financial crisis proves that sadly. Isn't it funny how they couldn't find in in their selfish little hard hearts to grant fair wages and benefits to the employee's that helped them amass their fortunes but when they lose them out of their own bad decisions based on their own greediness they are the first in line asking for hand outs in hope's of no repercussions or pay backs or reprisals for their deeds of greed!
I sincerely hope the Obama administration can curb some of the bad business practice's this countries people of free Enterprise have adopted in the last few years and bring back some pride, ethic's and moral integrity back into American businesses and American business people. Bringing back those things alone will go along way in setting this nation back on it's appointed course. I've always believed you can run a profitable business and still be fair to them employee's that work for you while enjoying the fruits of your labors as well as theirs and this family is just one example of proof that it can and does happen just not as often as it should.
This country has received a serious wake up call and it seems as though we answered the call but we can't let down or ease back now this is just the beginning of a rebuilding. Everyone needs to remain with their eyes focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, it is within our vision and our reach but everyone must do their part if we are to succeed and reach the light. It's an attainable goal I hope we all maintain in common for the common good. And make no mistake if this country let's the working man fall then it too shall fall, because this country was build by and is maintained by the working class within lest we not forget that too soon again.
My Christmas wish for this year is that every man, woman and child and all creatures great and small have love, family and friends to share the season with and I hope it leaves all with treasured memories that no amount of money could ever buy. Make it a point to let everyone you care about how you feel, after all 'tis the season....Happy Holidays BB
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