Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Beginnings....

I use this blog simply to post beautiful things, a positive moment at a time when there isn't much to be positive about. I enjoy being creative and being creative on a pc is new to me but I am having a great time and a lot of fun discovering all I can do or accomplish on a pc and for the next couple of weeks I will be posting spring collages. Because of the Internet we have access to so many beautiful pictures from all around the world and I can spend hours gazing through them and so I've decided as I do I will put together collages of the beautiful pictures I see since I enjoy it and post them on this blog for all to see. There is so much out there and this is a way of getting to view more in less space and I enjoy putting the pictures together in a way that makes them good for viewing, at least I think so and I hope you do....Spring is a wonderful season full of new beginning's and fresh starts....

1 comment:

the world of gaye said...

I liked reading and looking at something so beautiful.