For the most part I don't participate in politic's, this presidential election I have been more out spoken and active than I ever have because I believe this is the most important election of my life. Bush has damaged this country in so many ways it would take a novel to list and elaborate on them. They say a single picture can speak a 1000 words so what do these pictures say to you...........
To elect McCain into office would be the same as if George Bush was elected to a 3rd term, you cannot be so foolish as to not realize this, it's just too obvious! And it seems to me that McCain has foresaken his integrity and ethic's in an effort to win this election as whatever the cost. I love the way a friend of mine put it, McCain had remarked that this campaign was about personalities and he must have felt he needed to have one so in steps Sarah Palin and between the two of them I can't keep up with the lies and the bull @$!.
Palin is scary at best first of all she is for prayer in schools, against gay marriage, against a woman's right to chose, against equal pay for equal work, against sex education which teaches anything except abstinence which if it wasn't so sad and ignorant it would be funny! (see photo upper right)
She never gave Iraq much thought! Doesn't believe mankind is responsible for global warming, in fact, she's not even sure it's a problem! Palin was originally a main proponent of the bridge to nowhere, McCain-Palin television advertisements claim Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere". In 2006, Palin ran for governor on a "build-the-bridge" platform, attacking "spinmeisters" for insulting local residents by calling them "nowhere" and urging speed "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist, "About two years after the introduction of the bridge proposals, a month after the bridges received sharp criticism from John McCain, and nine months into Palin's term as governor, Palin canceled the Gravina Bridge, blaming Congress for not providing enough funding. For a more detailed picture of the real Sarah Palin check out this blog which has links supporting all pertinent ..
This is a link to another blog with information that is factual:
I am asking ALL voter's to get your facts straight and seek the truth before you cast your vote. One of the things that really disturbs me with the lies and distortion's is that McCain/Palin are counting on us not to check the facts, not to be informed citizen's that we are gullible and ignorant and will choose to remain that way. I have only touched on the tip of the iceberg regarding the "truth" about the McCain/Palen campaign, I hope you will take some time and do some research of your own, I challenge everyone voting in the up coming presidential election to learn more about it, don't prove those two right! Show that your NOT gullible, you will NOT remain ignorant to the facts and you will NOT base you vote on campaign propaganda.
It's no secret, I'm a democrat, a liberal and a strong supporter of the Obama/Biden campaign but thats not the reason I am speaking out so much this election. I am speaking out because I have watched our great nation suffer at the hands of the Bush administration for 8 years now, the effects have been and continue to be devastating to this country. The war in Iraq, the economy, at one time the world loved us now most of them hate us, our jobs are being sent overseas and often the moves are paid for with government money! How about that one, our government doesn't want to help out our poor, homeless and jobless but they will help corporations relocated to foreign countries for cheaper operating costs then the products are sold back to Americans at outragiously high prices and then they are recalled for one reason or another! Look at whats happening in the real estate market, the financial markets.
All I am asking is that you open your eyes and see things as they really are, see the canidates for who they really are. It is time for a change in this country, it is overdue in fact and to elect McCain/Palin would be to choose more of what we have had to endure the last 8 years. For the first time in the history of this country a succeeding generation of Americans will not and have not had a better quality of life than their predisessors. Mr. McCain, our economy is NOT doing well! EVERDAY IN THIS COUNTRY CHILDREN ARE STILL STARVING TO DEATH! It IS time for a change, cast your vote for a better way, a better life, for Obama/Biden
Show the world that Truth & Justice are still the American way, cast your vote wisely, please.........................
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