I am just learning how this Internet thing works, search engines and how to get on them is what I'm working on now. I've taken a liking to graphic design, I should say I'm loving it and even in that there is so much to learn but it sure is fun and I'd love to have a job that's fun. You spend so much time working and put so much effort into it, that to have a job that you consider fun would be pretty awesome I think.
With all the people blogging on the Internet how do you attract reader's to your blog? What makes someone surfing on the Internet choose to read your blog and how do you know if anyone can even find your blog, is anyone out there???? With unemployment as high as it is there should be plenty of people on line, what are people concerned with the most these days? ( How does my font change mid blog I haven't figured this out yet but I need to because it annoys the hell out out of me and wastes my time trying to get back to where I was in thought rather than how to get this damn thing back to where it was! As you can see I've given up for now but rather than delete the blog or type it all over again I'll just keep at it and all good things come in time, right?)
Although I feel if the Republicans get elected into another 4 years it could be an end to all and any good things as far as the common working class is concerned. It's been 8 years of take aways and down sizing so all those tax breaks the rich got aren't really having any effect on our economy is it? The rich are just banking it and getting richer, as usual. While the working class who really need the breaks aren't getting them, I mean let's face it the rich are doing fine, they can afford everything they need and they could also afford to pay a little extra in taxes to take the load off the working class, cut us some slack in these days of economic hardships. How rich is rich enough? Most of them got that way off the backs of the working class and it wasn't by paying them fair and god forbid they should actually ever be generous and actually show some appreciation in a way that really felt like appreciation, like fair wages and some benefits. They are enjoying all the fruits of our labors so you'd thing they could afford to show a little generosity instead they greedily fight to keep all they've got and attain more while we, the working stiffs struggle just to get by, let alone be able to afford to go to a doctor when we are ill, buy proper food and provide adequate housing for our families. The system is so out of balance it's disgusting.
After 8 years of Bush, we are at an all time high in unemployment, wages fall pathecally short of supporting households and families. Our government is suffering and making major cut backs, the housing market is in the toilet but the rich are getting richer and I guess that's what matters, right? I mean why should they pay their employee's fair wages and provide health, dental and retirement benefits for those who helped make them as wealthy as they are and make no mistakes they didn't get there on their work and efforts alone! Hell no, don't do that put what little money you do spend into lobbyist and politician's hands to keep from having to be fair let alone generous, that will get the economy thriving again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, 8 years and we are stilling going down hill straight to hell with no indication of if or when things might turn around in this country, right now they are just steadily getting worse every day.
Here in Nevada it is exceptionally bad, with Indian casino's and on line gambling all legal now it's hurt industry here tremendously, we have legalized prostitution also but with the economy in recession no one's spending money there, we had a lot of Californians come here after being driven out of California by the cost of living so that just drove the prices of everything here up but unfortunately nothing seems to drive wages up in this state, it's getting so bad here we are almost free falling straight to hell.
The rich make more and should pay more, it's as simple as that, they should be generous to those who helped them get as wealthy as they are. Republican politics are not working, it's as simple as that. We need a change, it's as simple as that and if we don't get one soon we'll no longer be a super power, no longer a free nation, a shining example of what can be, just a disgrace because of what could have been. Wake up and smell the coffee people, it's burnt and dried up and if you don't take action soon the pots going to explode and then what, think about it. The wealthy need to pay attention too, because if the working class goes down the tubes then so do you, just a bit slower so your greed and selfishness aren't really helping you out in the long run either. You could end up right back here with all us "have nots", you have to do things right to make things right and you know exactly what I'm talking about! Ethic's, moral and social responsibility, fairness all things that need to be in place if we are to continue to succeed as a nation and the time is now before all is lost, think about it!
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