I just watched another commercial paid for by the GOP and I've got to tell you I am so sick of these negative ads and the down right deceptive and even sometimes out right lies. It seems to me that the only reason you run this kind of ad is because you have nothing positive or good to offer so the best you can hope to accomplish with your feeble attempts to slander your opponent is
to gain some ground by instilling needless fear in ignorant uninformed voters. Shame on you!
If that's the best you've got to offer the American people then pack it up and take it home, I have no use for you and by your own deeds and words you have proven you have nothing good to offer me or anyone else voting in the upcoming presidential election. I'm not the only one sick and tired of these negative ads so why don't you use this time in a positive manner and tell us what you can do for us, tell us how your going to save the country, the economy. What are your views on foreign policy, the war, fuel prices. How are you going to cut the high unemployment rate, what are you going to do about health care for all the uninsured? Why don't you show us YOUR tax plans?
Don't tell me what Obama/Biden are going to do, it's not your place to speak for them and I do not recall them asking you to be a spokes person for they're campaign. And don't lie to me thinking I'm too stupid to verify facts, that I'm so ignorant as to take everything you say at face value and not seek the facts because that tells me you don't think very much of me at all! And quite frankly if that's all you think of me, if that's all you have to offer me then pack it up and take it home! No thank you.
In the ad I just saw you stated that Obama wants a massive government which he want us to paid for with higher taxes, not once have I heard Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden speak of a mass expansion of government nor raising every one's taxes to pay for it. In fact, I posted a blog which carried Mr. Obama's proposed tax plan and I'll do it again right here and now....
Obama's Tax Plan -
Here are the FACTS:
If You Earn... Under Obama's Plan, You Pay...
Under 19,000 $567 Less
$19,000 to $38,000 $892 Less
$38,000 to $66,000 $1,042 Less
$66,000 to $112,000 $1,290 Less
$112,000 to $161,000 $2,204 Less
$161,000 to $227,000 $2,789 Less
$227,000 to $603,000 $12 More
$603,000 to $2.8 Million $115,974 More
$2.8 Million and Up $701,885 More
Source: Tax Policy Center
And I won't even bother to repeat and refute the other lies contained in the ad but what I will say is you lied to me, you disrespected me and then you ask me to trust you, I don't think so and it wasn't even a nice try. How about some straight forward honesty? Why don't you tell me what YOU can do or will do for me instead of what your opponents will do for me, if I want the answers to that I'll ask them. Well, I'm waiting.........................
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