Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A String of Pearls....

Well I'm back and I've had so many memories running through my head since I began trying to figure out which was the most memorable Christmas ever and so far I haven't been able to pinpoint one but I do have special memories from so many over the years. I, like my loving friend and sister of the heart, Tina, have a large Italian/Irish family, I should say "I had" because sadly most all of them have passed on now so the memories are even more important than ever and more precious to me. My dad's side was the Italian, of course, being Italian it was his opinion that since my mom had married him that she was from that day forward Italian by proxy! I wonder if he had it put into their wedding vows!!! My mom's side needless to say was Irish, the wee bit of Russian I have comes from my dad's moms side of the family and that's most of what I know about it because we're not suppose to talk about it???
One of the very first Christmas's I remember was at my Noni's, our family was always dirt poor but it never stopped us from having a good time or celebrating a holiday. My Noni always did the holidays up right, this is the Irish one although we called her by the Italian word meaning grandma. She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, they said she was what is called, black Irish, she had beautiful perfect jet black hair, ivory white clear skin, a body to die for right up until the day she died and she had the most loving eyes, dark and they always seemed to be laughing! My Noni and I had a special relationship and I treasured every moment I shared with her, she's one of those characters everyone wants to know but that's another blog.....
Anyway, back to this Christmas, I don't remember exactly what year it was but I must have been around 5 or 6, I was very young at the time and as I said our family was very poor. The big thing then for women was to own a "String of Pearls" which was also the name of one of my dad's favorite dance tunes by Glenn Miller, he taught me to dance to it and it was like floating, boy I loved it, that was dancing, I wonder why it's never made a big come back? Well, the whole family had gathered at Noni's and we were all eating, drinking and being merry. Those were the best gathering, sometimes they'd last for days and we would sing and dance, fight and argue too but mostly just had fun.
In the middle of the festivities my godfather came in and everyone gathered around him because he was just someone you loved to love. He was a big man in every sense of the word and one of the kindest you'd ever know. He was a farmer and had bought some land out in the country and planted cherry trees and he was starting to reap some of the fruits of his labors and I remember he presented my Noni with a small gift box insisting she open it right then and there. I'll never forget the look on her face, I knew what it was just by the look on her face, you see no one in my family would ever expect to own a "real" string of pearls and let me tell you did she ever wear them well, they looked as though they were created to go around her neck. I'm not sure whether they complimented her or she complimented them more, they were a perfect match!
Those pearls have made an appearance at special occasions and every Christmas since, in my Noni's later years she had them restrung and gave them to my favorite aunt Irene, my mom's identical twin sister with strict instructions that they were to be handed down to me. Unfortunately my aunt didn't survive my Noni and it was my Noni who took them from my aunts neck and place them around mine. I remember when I took them off the first time I noticed I couple of my aunts curly red hairs were tangled in the clasp and I didn't remove them for the longest time. I still wear the pearls and always at Christmas in honor of all my loved ones those pearls have been touched by including my god father. They are also with me at other special occasions, I wore them at my wedding this year and I wear them anytime I have a need to feel close to my Noni. I hope that one day, Tasha my step daughter will wear them and I hope when she puts them around her neck she feels all the love that's held within that beautiful "String of Pearls"
If you look closely in the picture of Tasha & I above you'll see I'm wearing the pearls, this picture was taken on my wedding day in Virginia City, NV on August 8th, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Democracy & Capitalism At It’s Finest!

A photo provided by the Florence and Laurence Family Foundation shows a sample of a card that was handed out to employees of the Waukegan, Ill.-based Peer Bearing Co., from the Spungen family with thank-you bonus checks after the family sold the company. The bonuses totaled $6.6 million to be shared by just 230 employees. Amounts varied and were based on years of service. Seen in the photo at lower right are Florence and Laurence Spungen in the front row and Danny, Carol, Debbi and Glenn Spungen in the back row.(AP Photo/Florence and Laurence Family Foundation)
I hope all the greedy self serving company owner's read this story, it proves that a business can make a great profit and still treat their employee's fairly and with a little dignity and respect as well as sharing a little of the wealth those employees helped make! This family should serve as an Icon, someone business owner's and bosses should aspire to.
There should be a lot more of things like this happening in this country and should have been all along, it's nothing more than fair, honest with a pinch of integrity and ethics thrown in. This family shows that a business can be run right and EVERYONE INVOLVED can and should reap part of the rewards. They are to be recognized and commended for setting the standard of business practices a little higher than most do today!
Most of them here take the money and run and out of their selfishness, greediness and blindness due to the fact they see only their own bottom line they have tried to make a killing for themselves not even satisfied with their vast fortunes amassed already seek more and have lost most everything and make no mistake that is exactly why this country is in the financial state we currently find ourselves in now. And do you hear them crying and begging for help, someone to unburden them of reaping what they have sowed!
That's the reason regulations and government needs to oversee these kinds of things. Most cannot be trusted not to be blinded by their own greed and the financial crisis proves that sadly. Isn't it funny how they couldn't find in in their selfish little hard hearts to grant fair wages and benefits to the employee's that helped them amass their fortunes but when they lose them out of their own bad decisions based on their own greediness they are the first in line asking for hand outs in hope's of no repercussions or pay backs or reprisals for their deeds of greed!
I sincerely hope the Obama administration can curb some of the bad business practice's this countries people of free Enterprise have adopted in the last few years and bring back some pride, ethic's and moral integrity back into American businesses and American business people. Bringing back those things alone will go along way in setting this nation back on it's appointed course. I've always believed you can run a profitable business and still be fair to them employee's that work for you while enjoying the fruits of your labors as well as theirs and this family is just one example of proof that it can and does happen just not as often as it should.
This country has received a serious wake up call and it seems as though we answered the call but we can't let down or ease back now this is just the beginning of a rebuilding. Everyone needs to remain with their eyes focused on the light at the end of the tunnel, it is within our vision and our reach but everyone must do their part if we are to succeed and reach the light. It's an attainable goal I hope we all maintain in common for the common good. And make no mistake if this country let's the working man fall then it too shall fall, because this country was build by and is maintained by the working class within lest we not forget that too soon again.
My Christmas wish for this year is that every man, woman and child and all creatures great and small have love, family and friends to share the season with and I hope it leaves all with treasured memories that no amount of money could ever buy. Make it a point to let everyone you care about how you feel, after all 'tis the season....Happy Holidays BB

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Emma, A Real Love Story....

This is a very beautiful story about one caring individuals love of life and her efforts to maintain it for one very special little "Chi Chi" who has inspired love in so many and restored faith in mankind and reaffirmed the power of love. If you haven't heard the story of Emma yet, you should, it'll do your heart good so I'm going to put up a link that will take you to the rest of her links:
This tiny little bundle of love also proves that old saying that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog and this little girl is a giant. I want to make it a point to mention the lady who adopted her only a few hours into her life, Dena. She has to be an amazing person to do all she's done to give Emma a chance at life. Her value of life, her ability to love and nurture and her energy are to be respected and admired by all. Hopefully if all goes well for Emma, Dena shall be rewarded with mini puppy kisses for many years to come and an abundance of love and companionship as the adopted mom of "Emma". Emma still needs more medical attention and a couple of surgeries while two dogtors have donated their treatment there are still expenses so if you can help out please do and keep the love story going, it'll do your heart good!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Artist Julian Beever....

My sister from the Chicago area sent me an email with some of Julian Beever works in it! This guy is a truly remarkable artist in my opinion, his works are fantastic 3-D murals some of which are just breath taking in quality and detail.

I hope to put more of his art work up on this blog for your as well as my enjoyment. I have seen many who call themselves artist who are merely market manipulator's but it is my opinion that Julian Beever is an artist in the truest since of the word and I hope you enjoy his works as much as I do. Definitely something beautiful to behold!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blue is Beautiful

Today I have a collage of one of my most favorite wild flowers!
This flower always represents summer time to me, they bloom later during the summer months and I remember seeing thousands of them in full bloom along the road sides of the California foothills. For most of my childhood my parents were very poor and one of the ways we would get out for a day of fun in the sun is my dad would take us on a ride (gasoline was more reasonable then) up into the foothills or the Sierras and we would spend the day, fishing, hiking and picnicing. One of the things I loved to do was see how many different kinds of wild flowers I could find. And that's it for today don't forget October is national breast cancer awareness month........

Monday, October 6, 2008

October-A Cure For Breast Cancer Would Be A Beautiful Thing!

This is to remind everyone that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! Wear your pink!
If you've got breasts and you luv'em then rub'em and that goes for some men too who are also at risk for this horrible disease! Help raise money for research in the quest for the cure by participating in any of the many events that will happen this month in an effort to educate everyone on this terrible disease. Remember pink is pretty, you wearing it is beautiful! Have a wonderful week everyone!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yosemite Bobcats

I was talking to a friend this morning and she and her boyfriend had just come back from a trip to Yosemite Park which is just a few miles south of here. I have spent so much time in that park
we used to go there every weekend, it is so beautiful and I think my favorite time is in the off tourist season's of fall and winter and early spring. A few weeks after the tourist season has slowed down the wildlife relaxes and I have spent many happy hours just sitting and watching a bobcat play like a kitten in a gorgeous meadow. And let me tell you to see these awesome cats playfully enjoying life in the wild as they are meant to be is truly an amazing and beautiful thing.
They are not tame but if your quiet and don't get to close you can watch and enjoy their antic's and you'd think you were just watching kittens at play, these are magnificent cats and should never be hunted for sport.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's Time To Gather Your Nuts!

With Autumn fast approaching it brings a chill in the air, nights come sooner and last longer then soon the snow will start falling and a chilly frost will cover the ground so it's time for the chipmunk's to gather their nuts........

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Beauty of Autumn

You know everyone's got a blog or two now and they pretty much blog about anything and everything and I want to try and be a little different although I'll probably find out later that there are 14 million blog's similar in content to this one. I've blogged on football, politics with no response or reader's so I'm just going to remain simple and frivilous and try to post a short little blog each day with something beautiful on it! An image, a poem anything that I find pleasing to view all in fun because I think we all need to have fun in our lives, we all need beauty in our lives! Yeah, I like that!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

If Thats All You Got, Pack It Up And Take It Home!

I just watched another commercial paid for by the GOP and I've got to tell you I am so sick of these negative ads and the down right deceptive and even sometimes out right lies. It seems to me that the only reason you run this kind of ad is because you have nothing positive or good to offer so the best you can hope to accomplish with your feeble attempts to slander your opponent is
to gain some ground by instilling needless fear in ignorant uninformed voters. Shame on you!
If that's the best you've got to offer the American people then pack it up and take it home, I have no use for you and by your own deeds and words you have proven you have nothing good to offer me or anyone else voting in the upcoming presidential election. I'm not the only one sick and tired of these negative ads so why don't you use this time in a positive manner and tell us what you can do for us, tell us how your going to save the country, the economy. What are your views on foreign policy, the war, fuel prices. How are you going to cut the high unemployment rate, what are you going to do about health care for all the uninsured? Why don't you show us YOUR tax plans?
Don't tell me what Obama/Biden are going to do, it's not your place to speak for them and I do not recall them asking you to be a spokes person for they're campaign. And don't lie to me thinking I'm too stupid to verify facts, that I'm so ignorant as to take everything you say at face value and not seek the facts because that tells me you don't think very much of me at all! And quite frankly if that's all you think of me, if that's all you have to offer me then pack it up and take it home! No thank you.
In the ad I just saw you stated that Obama wants a massive government which he want us to paid for with higher taxes, not once have I heard Mr. Obama or Mr. Biden speak of a mass expansion of government nor raising every one's taxes to pay for it. In fact, I posted a blog which carried Mr. Obama's proposed tax plan and I'll do it again right here and now....
Obama's Tax Plan -
Here are the FACTS:
If You Earn... Under Obama's Plan, You Pay...
Under 19,000 $567 Less
$19,000 to $38,000 $892 Less
$38,000 to $66,000 $1,042 Less
$66,000 to $112,000 $1,290 Less
$112,000 to $161,000 $2,204 Less
$161,000 to $227,000 $2,789 Less
$227,000 to $603,000 $12 More
$603,000 to $2.8 Million $115,974 More
$2.8 Million and Up $701,885 More
Source: Tax Policy Center
And I won't even bother to repeat and refute the other lies contained in the ad but what I will say is you lied to me, you disrespected me and then you ask me to trust you, I don't think so and it wasn't even a nice try. How about some straight forward honesty? Why don't you tell me what YOU can do or will do for me instead of what your opponents will do for me, if I want the answers to that I'll ask them. Well, I'm waiting.........................

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama's Tax Plan

A friend of mine was hit with many questions regarding Obama's Tax Plan since one of the McCain/Palin Campaign slur's is that if Obama is elected everyone will pay a lot more taxes and this just isn't true. So once again the McCain/Palin campaign is trying to influence voter's with lies. Voters beware!

Obama's Tax Plan

I have received a few questions.....Is Obama Going To Raise My Taxes. As I always do, I went to a bipartisan site to get the info for you. Please Note: This does not include the capital gains tax which does not apply to you unless you have to pay capital gains (for instance, selling a house at a profit and then not buying another house to replace it).Here ya go. You asked for the truth........If this states you will pay less, it means than you pay now. If it says you will pay more, it means than you do now. This is from the tax policy center so go to their web site if you want to know who they are. Peace all. Under Obama's Tax Plan - HOW MUCH WILL YOU PAY?

If You Earn...
Under Obama's Plan, You Pay...
Under 19,000 $567 Less
$19,000 to $38,000 $892 Less
$38,000 to $66,000 $1,042 Less
$66,000 to $112,000 $1,290 Less
$112,000 to $161,000 $2,204 Less
$161,000 to $227,000 $2,789 Less
$227,000 to $603,000 $12 More
$603,000 to $2.8 Mllion $115,974 More
$2.8 Million and Up $701,885 More

Source: Tax Policy Center

Gloria Steinem on Sarah Palin, Was It Sexism?

Gloria Steinem: The Sarah Palin pick: Was that sexism?YES, ON THE PART OF MCCAIN: Feminism isn't about one job for one woman. It's about making life fair for women everywhere.By GLORIA STEINEM Last update: September 7, 2008 - 12:54 PM Here's the good news: Women have become so politically powerful that even the antifeminist right wing -- the folks with a headlock on the Republican Party -- are trying to appease the gender gap with a first-ever female vice president. We owe this to women -- and to many men, too -- who have picketed, gone on hunger strikes or confronted violence at the polls so women can vote. We owe it to Shirley Chisholm, who first took the "white-male-only" sign off the White House, and to Hillary Rodham Clinton, who hung in there through ridicule and misogyny to win 18 million votes. But here is even better news: It won't work. This isn't the first time a boss has picked an unqualified woman just because she agrees with him and opposes everything most other women want and need.Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It's about making life more fair for women everywhere. Selecting Sarah Palin, who was touted all summer by Rush Limbaugh, is no way to attract most women, including die-hard Clinton supporters. Palin shares nothing but a chromosome with Clinton. Her down-home, divisive and deceptive speech did nothing to cosmeticize a Republican convention that has more than twice as many male delegates as female, a presidential candidate who is owned and operated by the right wing and a platform that opposes pretty much everything Clinton's candidacy stood for -- and that Barack Obama's still does. This is not to beat up on Palin. I defend her right to be wrong, even on issues that matter most to me. I regret that people say she can't do the job because she has children in need of care, especially if they wouldn't say the same about a father. I get no pleasure from imagining her in the spotlight on national and foreign-policy issues about which she has zero background, with one month to learn to compete with Sen. Joe Biden's 37 years' experience. Palin has been honest about what she doesn't know. When asked last month about the vice presidency, she said, "I still can't answer that question until someone answers for me: What is it exactly that the VP does every day?" When asked about Iraq, she said, "I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq." She was elected governor largely because the incumbent was unpopular, and she's won over Alaskans mostly by using unprecedented oil wealth to give a $1,200 rebate to every resident. Now she is being praised by McCain's campaign as a tax cutter, despite the fact that Alaska has no state income tax or sales tax. Perhaps McCain has opposed affirmative action for so long that he doesn't know it's about inviting more people to meet standards, not lowering them. Or perhaps McCain is following the Bush administration habit, as in the Justice Department, of putting a job candidate's views on "God, guns and gays" ahead of competence. The difference is that McCain is filling a job one 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency. So let's be clear: The culprit is John McCain. He may have chosen Palin out of change-envy, or a belief that women can't tell the difference between form and content, but the main motive was to please right-wing ideologues; the same ones who nixed anyone who is now or ever has been a supporter of reproductive freedom. If that were not the case, McCain could have chosen a woman who knows what a vice president does and who has thought about Iraq; someone like Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison or Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine. He could have taken a baby step away from right-wing patriarchs who determine his actions. Palin's value to those patriarchs is clear: She opposes just about every issue that women support by a majority or plurality. She believes that creationism should be taught in public schools but disbelieves global warming; she opposes gun control but supports government control of women's wombs; she opposes stem cell research but approves "abstinence-only" programs, which increase unwanted births, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions; she tried to use taxpayers' millions for a state program to shoot wolves from the air but didn't spend enough money to fix a state school system with the lowest high-school graduation rate in the nation. She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger. I don't doubt her sincerity. As a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, she doesn't just support killing animals from helicopters, she does it herself. She doesn't just echo McCain's pledge to criminalize abortion by overturning Roe vs. Wade, she says that if one of her daughters were impregnated by rape or incest, she should bear the child.So far, the major new McCain supporter that Palin has attracted is James Dobson of Focus on the Family. Of course, for Dobson, "women are merely waiting for their husbands to assume leadership," so he may be voting for Palin's husband. Being a hope-a-holic, however, I can see two long-term bipartisan gains from this contest.Republicans may learn they can't appeal to right-wing patriarchs and most women at the same time. A loss in November could cause the centrist majority of Republicans to take back their party, which was the first to support the Equal Rights Amendment and should be the last to want to invite government into the wombs of women. And American women, who suffer more because of having two full-time jobs than from any other single injustice, finally have support on a national stage from male leaders who know that women can't be equal outside the home until men are equal in it. Barack Obama and Joe Biden are campaigning on their belief that men should be, can be and want to be at home for their children.
This could be huge.

Gloria Steinem is an author, feminist organizer and cofounder of the Women's Media Center. She supported Hillary Rodham Clinton and is now supporting Barack Obama.

Pictures Of The Biggest Political Rally In Alaska's History!

The Alaska Women Reject Palin rally was significantly bigger than Palin's rally that got all the national media coverage! So take heart, sit back, and enjoy the photo gallery. Feel free to spread the pictures around to anyone who needs to know that Sarah Palin most definitely does not speak for all Alaskans.The citizens of Alaska , who know her best, have things to say.A bunch of pictures of that rally:THE PRESS WILL ONLY SHOW WHAT ITS PAID TOO.....CARRY YOUR

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Every Picture Tells A Story

For the most part I don't participate in politic's, this presidential election I have been more out spoken and active than I ever have because I believe this is the most important election of my life. Bush has damaged this country in so many ways it would take a novel to list and elaborate on them. They say a single picture can speak a 1000 words so what do these pictures say to you...........

To elect McCain into office would be the same as if George Bush was elected to a 3rd term, you cannot be so foolish as to not realize this, it's just too obvious! And it seems to me that McCain has foresaken his integrity and ethic's in an effort to win this election as whatever the cost. I love the way a friend of mine put it, McCain had remarked that this campaign was about personalities and he must have felt he needed to have one so in steps Sarah Palin and between the two of them I can't keep up with the lies and the bull @$!.
Palin is scary at best first of all she is for prayer in schools, against gay marriage, against a woman's right to chose, against equal pay for equal work, against sex education which teaches anything except abstinence which if it wasn't so sad and ignorant it would be funny! (see photo upper right)

She never gave Iraq much thought! Doesn't believe mankind is responsible for global warming, in fact, she's not even sure it's a problem! Palin was originally a main proponent of the bridge to nowhere, McCain-Palin television advertisements claim Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere". In 2006, Palin ran for governor on a "build-the-bridge" platform, attacking "spinmeisters" for insulting local residents by calling them "nowhere" and urging speed "while our congressional delegation is in a strong position to assist, "About two years after the introduction of the bridge proposals, a month after the bridges received sharp criticism from John McCain, and nine months into Palin's term as governor, Palin canceled the Gravina Bridge, blaming Congress for not providing enough funding. For a more detailed picture of the real Sarah Palin check out this blog which has links supporting all pertinent ..
This is a link to another blog with information that is factual:
I am asking ALL voter's to get your facts straight and seek the truth before you cast your vote. One of the things that really disturbs me with the lies and distortion's is that McCain/Palin are counting on us not to check the facts, not to be informed citizen's that we are gullible and ignorant and will choose to remain that way. I have only touched on the tip of the iceberg regarding the "truth" about the McCain/Palen campaign, I hope you will take some time and do some research of your own, I challenge everyone voting in the up coming presidential election to learn more about it, don't prove those two right! Show that your NOT gullible, you will NOT remain ignorant to the facts and you will NOT base you vote on campaign propaganda.
It's no secret, I'm a democrat, a liberal and a strong supporter of the Obama/Biden campaign but thats not the reason I am speaking out so much this election. I am speaking out because I have watched our great nation suffer at the hands of the Bush administration for 8 years now, the effects have been and continue to be devastating to this country. The war in Iraq, the economy, at one time the world loved us now most of them hate us, our jobs are being sent overseas and often the moves are paid for with government money! How about that one, our government doesn't want to help out our poor, homeless and jobless but they will help corporations relocated to foreign countries for cheaper operating costs then the products are sold back to Americans at outragiously high prices and then they are recalled for one reason or another! Look at whats happening in the real estate market, the financial markets.

All I am asking is that you open your eyes and see things as they really are, see the canidates for who they really are. It is time for a change in this country, it is overdue in fact and to elect McCain/Palin would be to choose more of what we have had to endure the last 8 years. For the first time in the history of this country a succeeding generation of Americans will not and have not had a better quality of life than their predisessors. Mr. McCain, our economy is NOT doing well! EVERDAY IN THIS COUNTRY CHILDREN ARE STILL STARVING TO DEATH! It IS time for a change, cast your vote for a better way, a better life, for Obama/Biden
Show the world that Truth & Justice are still the American way, cast your vote wisely, please.........................

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bitchin's Been Busy

Short post tonight nobodies reading it anyway but just in case someone does happened to stop by I'm going to put a link to my new web site, it's called Moonlite Monologues and it's a cyber brothel sort of! Want to know more you'll just have to check it out here's the link and I'll be back later:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blogger & Picture's: How Do I..................

I just started posting on blogger and I like to use photographs and graphic's in my blog's but I can not figure out how to get them where I want them to be in the blog. Nothing I've tried works, they all post in just one place together. I searched help but could not find an answer to my question so if anyone knows how to do this please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

San Francisco 49er's 2008 Season Opener!

This is just a fun blog for me anyway, the football season kicked off officially this past weekend and although my 49er's did not win their game, they looked marvelous. And I am so pleased that they decided to make J.T. O'Sullivan the starting quarterback, I like this guy he fits the 49er's well and I think we'll have a good season if he stays healthy
I realize the 49er's have a lot of money invested in Alex Smith and I'm sure he's a great guy but he has failed as far as quarterbacking the 49er's, he just hasn't got what it takes on the field, I saw this from the start. Of course now he's apparently reinjured his shoulder so who knows what the future holds for him, I do wish him only the best. And I want to mention another fairly new member of the 49er's while I'm here and thats Mike Singletary as our assistant head coach, this man is a class act as a person and as a football player, he played his entire career for the Chicago Bears and you can see a major improvement in our defense since he came to San Francisco, while our offense may have a few bugs to work out our defense is simply awesome and I feel the main reason for this is Mike Singletary
And I want to mention Mike Nolan the head coach, I know this man has been under a lot of pressure to produce and the 49er's have been in a rebuilding period the last couple of years but I like this coach, he belongs coaching the San Francisco 49er's and I hope we have an awesome season so I don't have the hear the crap about his job being in jeopardy, he's right where he should be.
Ever since Bill Walsh came to San Francisco and changed the game of football forever with his genious, San Francisco has been extremely lucky to have a team who's winning record has been as consistant as theirs, they were the 1st to win 5, count them 5 Superbowls! I have been a 49er fan since birth, my dad went to school with Y.A. Tittle and I went to games before I was even old enough to remember. I look back and laugh now but I remember when I heard they were going to close Czar Stadium I was so upset and I cried watching the games with my dad was very special to me and I loved going there. I remember my dad came over and held me trying to comfort me and telling me how the new stadium was going to be so much better for the team, they would have a much nicer and bigger park to play in. And this stadium would hold way more fans to cheer for our team and it was a good thing, he just didn't know how the 49er's would ever fill all those seats, you see back then you couldn't give away 49er tickets, LOL The new stadium I am talking about was Candlestick Park! A short while later Bill Walsh came along and the rest is history and my dad was right, I love the stick and it holds a ton more of wonderful memories for me and not just football, the San Francisco Giants baseball games and some rockin' concerts. And while I'm on the subject I hate sponsors demanding the park be named after them for their sponsorship money, I appreciate all they do and I remember their names and companies but Candlestick will never be called anything other than "The Stick", that 3-Com and Monster Park is pure bullshit,period.

I do know theres a lot of people who don't watch football as for me I love it, I am proudly 49er Faithful and like the sign sayesand I guess thats enough team spirit for today except for one thing I don't want to go without mentioning, I also do college football and I am a 3rd generation Notre Dame fan, failure to be one would cause my Irish mother and Irish grandmother to revoke my life! And if your Irish you know they could and would do this, they have the power! But, I'm a proud fan of the fighting Irish and another coach has been taking some heat but this weekend the fighting Irish of Notre Dame started out the season with a check in the win column so kudo's to you Charlie for kicking off the season with a win and we'll be cheering the team on all season and your part of the reason!

Hey everyone, cheers to the 2008 football season, it's gonna be good........

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Starting Out A Winner......

Kudo's go out to Charlie and Notre Dame for starting out their 2008 football season with a win over San Diego State today! I think the fighting Irish will make a come back this year and re-establish themselves a power to be reckoned with. Now the San Francisco 49er's will be starting with O'Sullivan tomorrow for their season opener against the Arizona Cardinals and I hope the luck of the Irish will be with them also so they can kick off the 2008 football season with a check in the winners box. God knows that as 49er fans we've had our share of victories and superbowls but the last couple of seasons have been rebuilding seasons and the 49er's haven't had an easy time of it but my hopes are high that this year we will have a winning season. I will be cheering them on right up to the last tick of the game clock...................................GOOOO 49er's

Friday, September 5, 2008

We Are Snowballing Straight Into Hell With No End In Sight!

This blogging thing is fairly new to me and I'm not quite sure if this shows up on the net or how it shows up, I will admit I'm feeling a little bummed out that no one has seen, read or commented on anything I've written. I'm also telling myself that you must give these things time, I'm sure there are thousands out there and probably more interesting than mine. So I'll attempt to keep plugging away in hopes someone will read me!

I am just learning how this Internet thing works, search engines and how to get on them is what I'm working on now. I've taken a liking to graphic design, I should say I'm loving it and even in that there is so much to learn but it sure is fun and I'd love to have a job that's fun. You spend so much time working and put so much effort into it, that to have a job that you consider fun would be pretty awesome I think.

With all the people blogging on the Internet how do you attract reader's to your blog? What makes someone surfing on the Internet choose to read your blog and how do you know if anyone can even find your blog, is anyone out there???? With unemployment as high as it is there should be plenty of people on line, what are people concerned with the most these days? ( How does my font change mid blog I haven't figured this out yet but I need to because it annoys the hell out out of me and wastes my time trying to get back to where I was in thought rather than how to get this damn thing back to where it was! As you can see I've given up for now but rather than delete the blog or type it all over again I'll just keep at it and all good things come in time, right?)
Although I feel if the Republicans get elected into another 4 years it could be an end to all and any good things as far as the common working class is concerned. It's been 8 years of take aways and down sizing so all those tax breaks the rich got aren't really having any effect on our economy is it? The rich are just banking it and getting richer, as usual. While the working class who really need the breaks aren't getting them, I mean let's face it the rich are doing fine, they can afford everything they need and they could also afford to pay a little extra in taxes to take the load off the working class, cut us some slack in these days of economic hardships. How rich is rich enough? Most of them got that way off the backs of the working class and it wasn't by paying them fair and god forbid they should actually ever be generous and actually show some appreciation in a way that really felt like appreciation, like fair wages and some benefits. They are enjoying all the fruits of our labors so you'd thing they could afford to show a little generosity instead they greedily fight to keep all they've got and attain more while we, the working stiffs struggle just to get by, let alone be able to afford to go to a doctor when we are ill, buy proper food and provide adequate housing for our families. The system is so out of balance it's disgusting.
After 8 years of Bush, we are at an all time high in unemployment, wages fall pathecally short of supporting households and families. Our government is suffering and making major cut backs, the housing market is in the toilet but the rich are getting richer and I guess that's what matters, right? I mean why should they pay their employee's fair wages and provide health, dental and retirement benefits for those who helped make them as wealthy as they are and make no mistakes they didn't get there on their work and efforts alone! Hell no, don't do that put what little money you do spend into lobbyist and politician's hands to keep from having to be fair let alone generous, that will get the economy thriving again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, 8 years and we are stilling going down hill straight to hell with no indication of if or when things might turn around in this country, right now they are just steadily getting worse every day.
Here in Nevada it is exceptionally bad, with Indian casino's and on line gambling all legal now it's hurt industry here tremendously, we have legalized prostitution also but with the economy in recession no one's spending money there, we had a lot of Californians come here after being driven out of California by the cost of living so that just drove the prices of everything here up but unfortunately nothing seems to drive wages up in this state, it's getting so bad here we are almost free falling straight to hell.
The rich make more and should pay more, it's as simple as that, they should be generous to those who helped them get as wealthy as they are. Republican politics are not working, it's as simple as that. We need a change, it's as simple as that and if we don't get one soon we'll no longer be a super power, no longer a free nation, a shining example of what can be, just a disgrace because of what could have been. Wake up and smell the coffee people, it's burnt and dried up and if you don't take action soon the pots going to explode and then what, think about it. The wealthy need to pay attention too, because if the working class goes down the tubes then so do you, just a bit slower so your greed and selfishness aren't really helping you out in the long run either. You could end up right back here with all us "have nots", you have to do things right to make things right and you know exactly what I'm talking about! Ethic's, moral and social responsibility, fairness all things that need to be in place if we are to continue to succeed as a nation and the time is now before all is lost, think about it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wipe Out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen the hilarious new show called "Wipe Out" it has no socially redeeming qualities that I can surmise but OMG it makes me laugh which I love! I am a big Chevy Chase and Steve Martin fan so I love slap stick comedy and this show has it. It simply amazes me that they actually get people to do these stunts and on national television every week but I'm glad they do. I've installed a link on this blog so you can watch clips from the show.

My favorite part is the big orange balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pure slap stick with willing victim's and absolutely hilarious. They have contestants run a qualifying course and the 6 fastest finisher's move on to be a finalist in a competition where the one who completes the course with the fastest time wins $50,000. So if your just looking to kick back and veg out to the television or you just need a good belly laugh ( I hear the more belly laughs you have the longer you will live) then try to catch this show. It airs in Carson City, Nevada on Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM on ABC just check your local listings. Check it out and it's guaranteed to make you laugh!

Driving Me Crazy........

Well I don't like to starting out on my first blog here bitching but my name is "Bitchin'Bunny" although the "bitchin" part is suppose to mean "cool" "fat" "bad" "sick" well you got the picture! But today it's definitely "bitching"! Is it just me or have you noticed that driver's have become increasingly rude on our public roadways? A few years back we all started hearing about the new phenomenon "road rage" which is just another name for "out of control idiot" but even the fear of road rage morons with weapons hasn't stopped some driver's from being just plain rude and way less than courteous while driving. It doesn't matter what the situation is or what you might find yourself confronted with, good manner's and common courtesy will only help any situation. So why aren't people using good manner's and practicing common courtesy much anymore?

Several times in recent month's I have had to make defensive moves on the road to avoid being hit head on by some moron talking on their cell phone while driving. There isn't a law against this in most states yet but there should be. What is so important that it must be said while you are maneuvering through traffic on the streets, if it's that important then pull over where you can safely carry on a phone conversation or wait till your stopped somewhere. I can already hear some of you saying, "I feel perfectly safe talking on my cell while I'm driving" well I don't! As I've said I've avoided at least two head on collisions by people carrying on cell phone conversations while driving. I realize cell phone's are very convenient but can we apply a little common sense when using them. You may wonder what this as got to do with good manner's, I'll tell you, it's very rude to run over someone with your automobile because you didn't see them because you were too preoccupied with your cell phone conversation! I don't know how you would feel but I'd hate to get ran over by some woman arguing on her cell with her husband over what they're going to have for dinner and not paying attention to traffic!

And it seems like way more people are running red lights these days and this is an extremely "STUPID" thing to do. Are you in such a hurry that you would risk life and limb to gain possibly only a minute or so that you feel the need to run a red light or gun it through a yellow caution light. Maybe you have the right to risk your own life but you DO NOT have the right to risk mine or any other person's by driving in this manner. If it's that important to be somewhere on time then it should be worth planning better or perhaps even getting ready a few minutes early instead of making yourself a road hazard by driving like a cat with it's tail on fire! There is never a reason good enough to make unsafe driving "OK" and I repeat "NEVER"

Then there are those who tailgate or ride other vehicle's bumper's and I watch them do this even in heavy snow and other bad road conditions. Your four wheel drive may go really fast in the snow but it doesn't stop that quickly yet I see numerous driver's in going like a bat out of hell in the middle of snow storms or riding the bumper of the car in front of them. Hint: when the weather is bad, get up a little earlier than normal and allow for extra driving time. Keep a safe distance between you and the car in front of you, your not going to make them go any faster by riding their bumper's and they may be a road rage moron with a weapon, ever think of that?

I think we get so preoccupied with our busy life style's that we forget the horrible results from traffic accidents, we forget how much damage our cars can do, how easily they can reap carnage on innocent victim's. It's time for a reality check, SPEED KILLS but it certainly doesn't hurt to plan better or just get up 10 minutes earlier than you use to and allow for more driving time, you will find that when you arrive at your destination your in a much more relaxed mood and it's a much better way to start out your work day. Try to exercise good manner's, be polite and courteous to others while driving, it makes for a much better driving experience. No one likes going fast more than I do, I was definitely born with a need for speed, my ex husband was a speed skier who skied at over 100 M.P.H. and it way always his dad or I who drove the boat, my family has always actively participated in racing sports of all kinds and I'm not saying I haven't driven fast on our highways but I have always had courtesy and respect for others on our public roadways and never put other's life and limb at risk because no one has the right to do that to any other life form. I put it that way because animals count too, how would you like to tell some sweet little girl that just got home from school that you killed her family pet by running it over in the street because you were in a hurry because you were late for work, again!

When your on our public roadway's it's mainly just a matter of treating other's as you would like to be treated yourself, smile, drive nice, exercise good manner's and common courtesy, it really will make your day much more enjoyable even if you have to wake up fifteen minutes or so earlier than you use to. It'll also make that drive to work in bad weather way less stressful which will make for a better day. It's actually a very easy way of making our world a kinder and gentler place, every one's more pleasant and less stressed there's much less carnage on our roadways and if for no other reason do it because it's the right thing to do and on that note I'm outta' here for now..................Oh, and don't forget to buckle up!